Corporate Service Solutions for Start-up Offshore Companies in Vietnam

Vietnam’s economy has been steadily rising. In December 2017, the country’s GDP grew by more than 7%. This booming economy makes it an ideal place to set up a company [Irish Times].

Many entrepreneurs are now setting up offshore companies in Vietnam. The country’s strategic location makes it easier for businesses to reach new markets, meet new investors, and ease international business transactions.

However, in 2015, the national government optimised its foreign investments rules and reduced the permit processing time [Forbes].

Learn more about the requirements for setting up an offshore company in Vietnam as you read further.

Requirements for Establishing an Offshore Company in Vietnam

Entrepreneurs planning to set up an offshore company in Vietnam must comply with the requirements.

New offshore companies must obtain a tax code registration certificate and a labour registration certificate. The company documents should be notarized and submitted to Vietnam corporate authorities. After all of the requirements are submitted, there should be a public announcement regarding its establishment.

All of the statutory requirements take time and effort to fulfil. Therefore, it would be ideal to consult corporate service providers when establishing an offshore company in Vietnam.

Seek Corporate Services for Vietnam-based Companies

Corporate service providers understand the corporate rules and guidelines in Vietnam. They offer corporate advisory solutions for business entities looking to set up offshore.

Here are some of the advantages of seeking corporate services when setting up a company in Vietnam.

On-Time Compliance with Corporate Requirements

Corporate service providers are familiar with the local offshore company guidelines. Their team of experts are up to date with the latest changes in the local corporate laws.

Implementing their advisory solutions will ensure that company requirements can be completed promptly.

Help Find the Right Employees for the Company

Entrepreneurs understand that skilled employees can help companies operate efficiently. So, it would be best to consult corporate service providers when looking to the right individuals. These consultancy firms can provide solutions that can help find the right workers for the offshore company.

Assists in Looking for a Prime Business Address

An offshore company must have a business address, as required by the corporate guidelines. With a reliable corporate service provider, offshore company owners can find or choose an ideal company address.

Set up an Offshore Company through Corporate Services

Vietnam is a booming economy with a stable business environment. That is why a lot of entrepreneurs are now looking to establish an offshore company in this country. Want to set up your business in Vietnam? Seek help from a corporate service provider today!


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