All You Need To Know About Buying a Shelf Company In Indonesia

Indonesia is an emerging market in Southeast Asia. In fact, experts predict that it will be the fourth-largest economy by 2050 [TheStreet]. Many savvy entrepreneurs are looking to establish their enterprises in this country due to this economic growth. Some of these entrepreneurs consider acquiring a shelf company.

Shelf companies are previously established entities but have no previous corporate transactions. Thus, incorporating a shelf company allows new businesses to have an established presence in the country.

So, for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to expand in Indonesia, this blog is an ultimate guide on why it is ideal to consult corporate service providers before purchasing a shelf company.

Why Should Entrepreneurs Obtain a Shelf Company in Indonesia

Setting up an offshore company in Indonesia takes time. In fact, the standard company registration time for a foreign-owned company is approximately 10 weeks [Emerhub]. However, obtaining a shelf company can allow the corporation to operate in Indonesia as soon as possible.

Shelf companies or aged corporations are registered entities that have no record of corporate activity in Indonesia. Incorporating this company takes up less time than registering a foreign offshore corporation in this country. Therefore, acquiring a shelf company is ideal for corporations looking to offer their services to target markets as soon as possible.

Indeed, obtaining a shelf company is a viable solution for doing business in Indonesia. There are other reasons why entrepreneurs are encouraged to consider incorporating an aged company.

Top Three Reasons to Obtain a Shelf Company in Indonesia

Obtaining a shelf company yields several advantages. These include establishing a healthy relationship with local companies, quickly offer services to potential clients, and begin company operations as soon as possible.

Establish Relationships with Local Businesses

It takes time and effort to establish good business relations in Indonesia, especially for new companies. However, acquiring a shelf company with an established presence helps build trust among fellow business people and investors.

Offer Services to Potential Clients

Incorporating an aged corporation is faster than registering a new company in Indonesia [Emerhub]. Therefore, operating through a shelf company allows the offshore enterprise to offer its services to potential clients at the earliest time possible.

Prompt Company Operations

Shelf corporations obtained via reliable corporate service providers have all of the initial statutory requirements fulfilled. This means that company operations can begin once the incorporation process is complete.

Acquire a Shelf Company through Corporate Services

Being strategically located in one of the busiest trade routes in Southeast Asia, it is a prime location for international transactions. This contributes to the country’s upward economic growth.

So, consult corporate service providers when obtaining a shelf company. They can provide a list of available aged corporations to fit the needs of the offshore enterprise.

If you intend to establish your business quickly in Indonesia, contact a trusted corporate service provider to understand the process of acquiring a shelf company.


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